Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Three Coffee Mug One day Extend?

kopi hijau

Three Coffee Mug One day Extend?

This is happy news for those of you who like to drink coffee. One study provides an indication that adults who consume three or more cups of coffee daily living longer inclines. Even, the risk of death from the most common cause of natural decreased by 10% than those who do not drink coffee. This is a great class research done several experts from the U. S. National Cancer Institute, which involves almost 400 000 people. This finding applies for those aged 50-71 years old. Good drink caffeinated or without caffeine. Research show that drinking coffee was associated with decreased risk of death from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, and injuries and accidents. However, researchers priority, the role of coffee consumption to improve health is still not bright. This finding can not create a tangle of cause and effect. I think these findings strongly show that primary to our research is observational research. Mean, we just invoke what they drink lots of coffee, and then examines them, said lead researcher Neal Freedman, of the U. S. National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Md. Freedman reveals, drink coffee usually smoke more banyakmerupakan skew the ultimate cause of death. We have found that coffee drinkers skew face a higher risk of death. But when we do not connect it with cigarettes, we found a tangle of upside. he said. The study was published on May 17, 2012 in the New England Journal of Medicine. For this research, some researchers focus on eating routine 400. Area 000 men and women who participated in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study on th. 1995 and 1996. Not one of the participants also had a history of cancer, stroke or heart disease. Each participant asked about their coffee consumption, ranging from 0 up to six cups a day or more. The state of health of participants tracked starting from th. 2008 or until death. The research results show, drinking even one cup of coffee a day associated lower risk of death. But unique, coffee drinking was associated with a reduced risk of death from cancer in women, and only has a protective effect in men only. The protective effect appeared greater among those who drank one cup of increasingly more a day. However, Freedman noted, there is little utility that looks at those who drank two

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