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Heart Disease
Of heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out their duties properly. These include:
* A weak heart muscle. This is a congenital abnormality. Weak heart muscle that makes people can not do excessive activity, because the imposition of excessive cardiac performance will cause pain in the chest, and sometimes can cause the body to appear bluish. Patients with weak heart muscle is easy to faint.
* The gap between the right and the porch left the porch, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood mixed with clean and dirty blood. This disease also makes people unable to perform heavy activities, because of heavy activity that almost certainly will make the patient's body turned blue and shortness of breath, although not cause pain in the chest. There are also variations of this disease, namely a person is really only have one porch.
Heart Attack
Heart attack is a condition that causes heart was not functioning. This condition usually occurs suddenly, and often called congestive heart failure. Causes of heart failure vary, but usually the main cause is the inhibition of blood supply to the heart muscles, because the blood vessels that normally drain blood to the heart muscles are blocked or hardened, either because of fat and cholesterol, or because of substance chemical substances such as excessive use of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine (ppa) which can be easily found in drugs such as Decolgen, and nicotine.
Lately also often found in sudden cardiac arrest when someone is on the move, as is attacking some athletes in the world renowned football in the middle of a football field.Usually it is caused by the imposition of heart activity that exceeds the threshold, or the lack of warm up before exercise.
There is no better response to prevent disease and heart attacks, in addition to a healthy lifestyle (as is often up early, not often stay up too late at night, and avoiding tobacco products and alcoholic beverages), a healthy diet (eating fibrous food and reproduce bersayur, and not eating too much fatty food and high cholesterol), and regular exercise and not excessive. However, there are some substances that are believed to be able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attacks, among others:
* Some researchers say that the substance allicin found in garlic may help maintain heart health. Research shows that by virtue substance allicin, the tension of blood vessels is reduced 72%. But some other researchers have also stated that there was no relationship between garlic with heart health. In a study conducted in 90 smokers body fat, European researchers found that the addition of garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol levels or some other sign of heart disease risk.
* Studies show that reducing smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, one should really stop smoking.
* The findings, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology revealed consumption of Vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease.
* Research has shown that reducing salt intake can reduce heart disease risk. Consumption of salt can increase blood pressure. In the experiment a low-salt diet showed the risk of heart disease up to 25% and the risk of heart attack up to 20%
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